รศ.ดร.สุวัฒนา พฤกษะศรี

Assist. Prof. Dr. Suwattana Pruksasri

ชื่อ – นามสกุล

รศ.ดร.สุวัฒนา พฤกษะศรี


  • Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering) The Ohio State University, USA (2007)

  • วท.ม. (เทคโนโลยีชีวภาพ) จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย (2543)

  • วท.บ. (อุตสาหกรรมเกษตร) มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ (2540)

งานวิจัยที่สนใจ (Research Interests)

  • Production and purification of functional food products.

  • Downstream processes: membrane separation, electrodialysis, adsorption, etc.

  • Biorefinery for food, feed and bio-based products.

ผลงานทางวิชาการ (ที่ตีพิมพ์ในรอบห้าปี)



  • Pruksasri, S., Nguyen, T.-H., Novalin, S. and Haltrich, D. (2023). “Purification of heterooligosaccharides by microbial treatment and nanofiltration.” International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 58(5): 2618-2624. (ISI)

  • Chimpanao, I. and Pruksasri, S. (2023). “The activity of β-mannanase in the commercial enzyme Pectinex Ultra SP-L and its use for the production of mannooligosaccharides from copra meal.” International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 58(2): 712-719. (ISI)

  • Pruksasri, S., Schwabl, T. and Novalin, S. (2022). “Membrane separation limits for the isolation of mono- and di-saccharides from compounds with similar molecular weights including a theoretical selectivity analysis and a new calculation approach.” Chemical Engineering Science. 263: 118092. (ISI)

  • Homsuwan, N., Pruksasri, S. and Ngampanya, B. (2022). “Protein quality improvement and anti-nutritional factors reduction in soybean meal by Bacillus velezensis K1.” Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. 17(7):88-103. (Scopus)

  • Pruksasri, S., Lanner, B., and Novalin, S. (2020). “Nanofiltration as a potential process for the reduction of sugar in apple juices on an industrial scale.” LWT, 133, 1-7. (ISI)

  • Pruksasri, S., Wollinger, K.K., and Novalin, S. (2019). “Transformation of rice bran into single-cell protein, extracted protein, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, and minerals.” Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 99(11): 5044-5049. (ISI)


ผลงานแต่งหรือเรียบเรียง ตำรา หนังสือ หรือบทความทางวิชาการ


  • Pruksasri, S., Stauffer, N., Hall, C., Hafner, J. & Dong, J. (2021). Key enzymes in biorefinery. In N. Thongchul, A. Kokossis & S. Assabumrungrat (Eds.), A-Z of Biorefinery: A Comprehensive View: 221-264, Elsevier.